Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Beginner's Guide To Art Quilts

This is probably one book someone new to the idea of Art Quilts should pick up and read. It's published by Leisure Arts Publications and it's 68 pages are packed with information and techniques. Seasoned quilters and mixed media people will find the information very basic. But, if you have wanted to try a different technique this might be the book for you.
It starts out with a basic nine patch in beautiful hand dyes, fused dyed fabrics a photo transfer, simple quilting and a binding made from using the backing fabric folded to the front. I admit these might not be the techniques that I would use but there isn't anything wrong with them. The Art Quilt police are not going to come by your home because you used the backing to bind instead of creating a separate binding. And, yes mitered edges on the binding look prettier and perhaps more finished but again, everything doesn't have to be done one way.
Simple embroidery stitches are demonstrated. How to create a crazy quilt is shown. How to do a photo transfer, gold leafing and rubber stamping, fabric coloring, altering commercial fabrics, sprays, crayons and fabric pens, dyeing with tea and coffee and inks, it's all in the book.
So, if you don't have any experience with any of these techniques and you are interested in trying them out, this is an excellent book for you.

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