Monday, March 9, 2009

Hot Textiles arrived today! What a beautiful book, lots of eye candy! Kim Thittichai certainly covers everything you would need to know if you were just starting to experiment with heat tools. Those of you that have done so probably would enjoy looking at the pictures but wouldn't necessarily learn anything new.
If you haven't experimented with Bondaweb (Wonder-Under), Tyvek, Pellon, Lutradur, plastic bags you will enjoy her information on the subjects.
If you have a heat gun and haven't used it yet, her safety instructions are excellent so pay attention.
I wish the type was bigger for those of us with older eyes.
The second picture is one from the book of a beautiful basket made from shopping bags threaded onto wire and formed into a bowl shape.
There are lots of full page color pictures which is great to look at but I sometimes wish there was more information, you know.

1 comment:

BT said...

Ha, how amazing. Kim was my tutor for the course I did in Worthing, UK (near Brighton). I of course, had to buy the book as most of it we'd had a go at in class! It's a small world.